The following is what will take place over the course of the two-day workshop at Betty Rodriguez Regional Library. You'll see that the workshop involves an intensive amount of work and focus, but the process can also be quite fun and empowering.
Day 1 (September 14, 2016)
9 am Introductions
9:15 am Overview to Digital Storytelling/Seven Steps
10 am Story Circle – Group concept and script feedback
12:30 pm Lunch
1:30 pm Script and Image Work – Possible Voiceover recording
4:30 pm Check ins
5:00 pm Workshop End
9:15 am Overview to Digital Storytelling/Seven Steps
10 am Story Circle – Group concept and script feedback
12:30 pm Lunch
1:30 pm Script and Image Work – Possible Voiceover recording
4:30 pm Check ins
5:00 pm Workshop End
Day 2 (September 15, 2016)
9 am Record Voiceovers- Gather Images
11 am – WeVideo Video Editing Tutorial
12 pm Lunch
12:45 pm Editing of Rough Edit
4:00 pm Group Story Sharing – Of audio, partial drafts, or rough drafts
4:45 pm Farewell and Follow-up
5:00 pm Workshop End
11 am – WeVideo Video Editing Tutorial
12 pm Lunch
12:45 pm Editing of Rough Edit
4:00 pm Group Story Sharing – Of audio, partial drafts, or rough drafts
4:45 pm Farewell and Follow-up
5:00 pm Workshop End
Frequently Asked Questions:
Q. I'm only able to attend one day of the workshop. Can I still participate in the workshop?
A. No. Storytellers must be available all day (9 am-5 pm) both days of the workshop (Wednesday, September 14th and Thursday, September 15th) so they can make their videos. If you wish to participate in the StoryCenter workshop, you may need to make some advance arrangements for time off from work. We will not confirm you as a storyteller until you have determined your availability.
Q. Do I have to register for the event?
A. Yes. While this program is free, registration is required. We encourage you to contact us directly (please see "Contact Us") for more information or to sign up. We will not take walk-ins the day of the event.
Q. Is there any chance I'll still be able to participate in the workshop if the maximum number of storytellers has been confirmed before I apply?
A. We will be maintaining a waitlist for the workshop, so anyone who applies after we've confirmed the maximum number of storytellers may still have a chance to participate. Confirmed storytellers may cancel closer to the event date, and in that case we will offer any vacated spots to those on the waitlist, in order of the date they applied.
Q. What if I am unable to complete my digital story during the workshop?
A. It is not uncommon for digital stories to be unfinished at the end of a StoryCenter workshop. If a storyteller isn't able to complete the editing by the end of the workshop, we will communicate with them about post producing the movie files. This could take 1-5 hours of the storyteller's time after the workshop.
Q. Do I get a copy of my story? How will my story be published?
Storytellers will receive their own copy of their story to use however they want.
However, the purpose of this project is to create an archive of these stories for the State Library and Fresno County Public Library. By participating in this project storytellers grant license to the State Library, the Fresno County Public Library, and StoryCenter, to manage and exhibit the story, and storytellers must ensure that all images, texts, moving images, sound or music used in your projects belong to them, or that they have appropriate license to use the material. Storytellers will be required to sign a release stating this as part of their participation.